ENERGY STAR® Air-Source Heat Pump

Rebate up to $450

Equipment installed after June 1, 2023 must be less than 65 kBtu/hr. and a minimum of 15.2 SEER2, 11.7 EER2, 7.8 HSPF2 or 16.3 SEER2, 12.9 EER2, 8.2 HSPF2 to qualify. 

ENERGY STAR® Central Air Conditioning

Rebate up to $300

Equipment installed after June 1, 2023 must be less than 65 kBtu/hr. and a minimum of 15.2 SEER2, 12 EER2 or 16.3 SEER2, 12.9 EER2 to qualify. 

ENERGY STAR® Certified Mini-Split Heat Pumps

Rebate $400 per outdoor unit

Equipment installed after June 1, 2023 must be less than 65 kBTU/hr. and a minimum of 15.2 SEER2, 11.7 EER2, 7.8 HSPF2 to qualify.

Comprehensive Retrofit Bonus

Rebate up to $350

Complete two major measures or more within one year of the first measure and receive an additional incentive. One of the measures must be a weatherization measure.

ENERGY STAR® Certified Heat Pump Water Heaters

Rebate $400

Must have a Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) ≥ 3.3 to qualify.

ENERGY STAR® Certified Smart Thermostats

Rebate up to $100

Must be ENERGY STAR certified. Homes must have air-source heat pump, fossil fuel heating with central A/C or electric furnace with central A/C. Neither baseboard heating, geothermal nor mini-split heat pumps are eligible.